1.3. Development environment

OpenGL does not ship with a windowing API. This means it cannot create windows for the programs to display on. We must use a windowing API to create the windows (and allow for things like fullscreen). In this document I recommend using GLFW, but there are a number of others which you can explore:

  • freeglut
  • OpenTK
  • Windows Forms
  • Gaming environments like SDL, pygame, and others

1.3.1. Python

Throughout this document we will be looking at Python code. I will be running the examples on a Mac (which only supports OpenGL 4.1), but everything should be platform-independent.

For a Python project, you only need Python installed (Python 2.7 recommended), and an IDE (PyCharm recommended). The requirements.txt (read more) file for OpenGL programming in Python is:


1.3.2. Go

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